Host First Nation Casino Bulletin
Policy Amendment – Host First Nation Phase III Review
April 1, 2022
This bulletin is to advise all Host First Nation facility licensees and registered gaming workers of IMPORTANT AMENDMENTS to the Host First Nation Charitable Casino Policies Handbook (HFNCCPH). The following HFNCCPH policies are effective April 1, 2022.
In keeping with Government of Alberta red tape reduction initiatives, the amended policies align with current regulatory practices, remove repetitive policy, and assist Host First Nation facility licensees to create efficiencies in running their operations. This review involved amendments to ensure the HFNCCPH continues to be consistent with the Alberta Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis’ (AGLC’s) Casino Terms & Conditions and Operating Guidelines (CTCOG) and includes additional reductions to regulatory red tape.
- Section 1 was amended to remove redundant policy related to extending credit, hours of operation and tournaments. Guidelines were removed throughout the handbook.
- Section 3 was modified to update charity worker event requirement policy to provide charities with flexibility and relief measures for extenuating situations, records check requirements were updated to align with legislation, replace cash cage and count room duties under the combined general manager/advisor with an overarching policy statement for both positions, and eligibility requirements for charity workers were updated to align with legislation and the CTCOG.
- Section 4 was amended to clarify the CGMA application registration process and exam requirements, provide more flexibility for assigning staff duties, and streamline table game requirements by reorganizing opening/closing procedures and cash/chip transfers and count room operational requirements.
Please familiarize yourself with the amended policies, update your HFNCCPH as required, and ensure all affected staff are notified of the new requirements.
The amended HFNCCPH may be accessed on AGLC’s website at Additional information regarding AGLC’s commitment to a modern regulatory environment that supports consumer choice, innovation and economic growth can be found on AGLC’s website at
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact AGLC‘s Regulatory Services Division or call the AGLC Hotline at 1-800-561-4415.