AGLC offices holiday closure

While AGLC offices will be closed from December 24, 2024 to January 1, 2025, a number of services remain available. More information on how to contact us over the holidays is available here.

Self-Exclusion questions and answers

If you find yourself gambling too much, or if it no longer feels like a game, the Self-Exclusion Program can be an important first step in helping you control your gambling. 

It’s an option worth exploring.


Commonly asked questions and answers


What is the Self-Exclusion Program?

The Program enables you to exclude yourself from all Alberta casinos and racing entertainment centres (RECs) and the gambling opportunities these represent. 

Research has shown that when self-exclusion is combined with treatment, it can be one of the most effective ways to stop gambling. 

By submitting an application to the Alberta Gaming and Liquor Commission (AGLC), participants agree to be excluded from all Alberta casinos and RECs for a specified time period. 

Participants choose the length of their exclusion period: between six months and three years. You can’t withdraw from or cancel your agreement before its expiry date.


Who will know about my self-exclusion?

All self-exclusion files are kept confidential and will only be shared with AGLC and gaming venue staff who are responsible for administering the Self-Exclusion Program.

If you violate your agreement, the person identified as your “Other Contact” on the Self-Exclusion Agreement will be contacted.


Can I exclude a spouse or family member?

It’s understandable to want to help a loved one who is struggling with healthy gambling behaviours. However, only the person seeking exclusion can sign-up; no one else can do it for them. Family members can seek information and support themselves through Alberta Health Services Addiction Helpline at 1-866-332-2322. Services are available 24/7 and are free of charge.


What happens if I enter or attempt to enter a casino or racing entertainment centre while on the Self-Exclusion Program?

You will be removed from the property by security staff.


Can I volunteer in a casino while I am in the Self-Exclusion Program?

You cannot volunteer in any casino while enrolled in the Program.


Can I access casino or racing entertainment centre restaurants or attend a show while enrolled in the Program?

You cannot enter or cross a casino or racing entertainment centre gaming floor while enrolled in the Self-Exclusion Program.


Will I receive promotional items from AGLC and casino loyalty programs?

Self-Exclusion participants do not receive promotional items or advertisements.