AGLC offices holiday closure

While AGLC offices will be closed from December 24, 2024 to January 1, 2025, a number of services remain available. More information on how to contact us over the holidays is available here.

Applying to relocate a casino

Approval process

The approval process for a casino facility expansion or relocation consists of three steps:

Step one

  • Casino facility licensee must submit a written proposal for the expansion or relocation of an existing casino. Proposal should be submitted in writing directly to AGLC.
  • AGLC will conduct an initial assessment and determine if a proposed expansion or relocation meets basic criteria, including market demand, benefits to charitable groups, and impact on other charitable gaming activities in the community.
  • AGLC will determine if the project is allowed to move forward to step two in the process.

Step two

  • AGLC requires that the applicant posts the proposed relocation in local media to allow the community an opportunity to voice their support or objections to the proposed move. AGLC will determine if the proposed project can move forward to step three in the process.
  • As part of step two, the Board reviews the application and determines whether or not to move the application to step three.
  • If approved, the application moves to step three.
  • If the application is denied, the applicant will be notified of the reason(s) for the decision. Applicants have the right to request a Board hearing into the matter.

Step three

  • The applicant for the proposed project is issued a conditional relocation approval to proceed with construction.

    Following construction, if all requirements for the conditional approval are met (along with all federal and provincial legislation, regulations, policies and municipal requirements, permits, licences or authorizations), the Board will issue a casino facility licence to the applicant.

Casino expansions and relocations FAQs

What is considered a relocation?

A relocation means moving an existing venue to a new location within the casino's current distinct market area.

What is considered an expansion?

An expansion means the significant physical expansion of the gaming area in a casino. It may include an expansion of the building envelope (the outer perimeter of the building) or its outer dimensions (height).

What are distinct market areas and how are they defined?

AGLC updated the casino relocation policy to include distinct market areas within the province:

  • Edmonton includes Leduc County, Parkland County, Strathcona County, and Sturgeon County
  • Calgary includes Rocky View County

All other Alberta markets are defined by the Census Consolidated Subdivision that they reside in.

Who makes the decision to approve a casino expansion or relocation?

Under the requirements of the Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis Act and Regulation all expansion and relocation decisions are made by AGLC’s Board, which is independent of government.

What criteria must the application include to be considered by the AGLC Board?

A proposal for casino expansion or relocation must meet basic criteria related to market demand, benefits to charitable groups and impact on other charitable gaming activities in the community.

The application must include specified information including, but not limited to:

  • anticipated impact of the expansion or relocation upon other existing charitable gaming facilities in the community, including cannibalization rate
  • estimated economic impact on the community, for example, number of new jobs created, impact on other businesses in the community, etc
  • impact on traffic and parking in the area, including any plans or requirements from municipal authorities and the status of any approvals

All land use permits, zoning and development approvals are at the discretion of the municipality and the responsibility of the applicant. AGLC does not require approved permits for the purposes of the initial application.

Will communities be allowed to provide input?

The applicant must post notice in the local media of the proposed move for at least two weeks. AGLC will also notify the municipality concerning the proposed move.

Anyone in Alberta is able to submit feedback on a proposed relocation or expansion. AGLC will not consider objections based on community image, property values, or social or moral concerns as these are considered the responsibility of the municipality. 

All objections must be submitted in writing and received by AGLC within 30 business days from the date the application is posted.

If I want to provide my input to the Board on a proposed casino expansion or relocation, how do I do that?

Current applications and information on how to submit an objection is available on the gaming facility application objections page.