Licensees are required to display social responsibility material in their retail premises and on their retail e-commerce website to help promote the responsible consumption of cannabis
Details on what information must be displayed are provided below.
All cannabis retail store websites, e-commerce platforms and cannabis sales must comply with all federal and provincial legal obligations, particularly those outlined in the Cannabis Act.
Two public education website banners must be displayed prominently on all Alberta cannabis retail online store homepages. There are various sizes available, depending on the requirements of the site.
For retailers in-store
Poster, brochure and stock cards
The following public education resources are required to be prominently displayed in-store(s).
All materials can be ordered through the Alberta Cannabis Call Centre.
Call: 1-855-436-5677
Email: AlbertaCannabis@aglc.ca
Stash your stash (poster)
Higher. Education. (brochure)
Inhalation (stock card)
Ingestion (stock card)
For retailer e-commerce sites
Two public education website banners must displayed prominently on all Alberta cannabis retail online store homepages. There are various sizes available, depending on the requirements of the site.
Stash your stash
Ensure the Stash your stash banners are hyperlinked to the following website: https://cannabissense.ca/use-legally/safe-storage
Higher. Education. Inhalation and Ingestion
Ensure the following banners are hyperlinked to the following website: https://CannabisSense.ca
Other helpful information
Mandatory training for cannabis retail staff
SellSafe is a mandatory social responsibility training program designed to help retail cannabis staff understand their responsibilities to customers. The program also helps workers understand what Alberta’s cannabis laws and AGLC’s policies are so they can comply with them. These rules are in place to help protect people working in the cannabis industry, their property, customers and the public from cannabis-related harms.
Licensed retail cannabis store staff must have SellSafe certification before applying to AGLC to be a Qualified Cannabis Worker.
Get your staff SellSafe certified today.
CannabisSense – Public Education Program
CannabisSense is AGLC’s first cannabis public education program focused on educating Albertans about cannabis products and their various effects and risks. Joining DrinkSense and GameSense, CannabisSense uses research-backed information to provide higher education to the canna curious.
The internet is filled with information, much of which is personal opinions or experience being stated as fact. CannabisSense is your source for trusted cannabis information.
Visit CannabisSense.ca to learn more.
Non-mandatory ID Under 25 poster
Asking for someone’s ID can make them happy or upset—and sometimes, it’s hard to tell if a patron is 18 years or older. To make sure your patron is of legal age, you must ask for an ID to verify the age of anyone who appears under the age of 25.
The ID-Under-25 poster can be displayed in your store to help clarify the under-25 ID policy. The poster is not mandatory.
There are two options available for you to choose from.
Poster delivery and ordering
We’ve updated our process!
ID-Under-25 posters will be provided to new licensees in their welcome package and any existing licensees who need a new poster will receive one from their Inspector upon the next visit, or can request one from their Inspector.