Charitable gaming review

AGLC initiated the charitable gaming review in 2019 to examine how the charitable gaming model is meeting the needs of Albertans and to look for opportunities to improve it. 


The purpose of the charitable gaming review is to:

  • Confirm and clarify the issues and challenges that charitable organizations have communicated to AGLC and government regarding charitable gaming in Alberta.
  • Design, develop and evaluate a range of options to address those challenges and issues with input from stakeholders that participate in surveys, email feedback, and engagement sessions with focus groups.
  • Develop recommendations that ensure charitable gaming meets the needs of Albertans and remains compliant with legislation.
  • Guide the development of policies and procedures that benefit Albertans and their communities.


2019 Survey Results

In early 2019, Alberta Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis (AGLC) sent an online survey to more than 6,700 licensed charitable organizations to request feedback about charitable gaming in Alberta. Over 3,800 organizations responded – a 57 per cent response rate.
The main issues charitable organizations identified in the survey were:

  • Wait times and distribution of proceeds from charitable casino events
  • Use of proceeds earned through the conduct of licensed charitable gaming events – casino, raffle, bingo and pull ticket
  • Volunteer requirements (charitable casino events)
  • Eligibility of charitable organizations for gaming licensing

Since the survey, AGLC has continued to review the charitable gaming model to look for opportunities to modernize to ensure the model is meeting the needs of Albertans.

2021 Stakeholder Engagement

Between February 2 and April 27, 2021, AGLC conducted engagement sessions to answer the following question: 

How might we improve charitable gaming to meet the needs of charitable organizations in Alberta?

The engagement sessions included: 

  • working group sessions with over 90 charitable organizations.
  • focus groups with casino advisors, casino operators, and members of Alberta Non-Profit/Voluntary Sector Initiative (ANVSI). 

Final presentations from the working group sessions

Stakeholder Engagement Process

Infographic - Charitable Gaming Process

Charities and Albertans were also invited to share their thoughts on the charitable gaming model by April 30, 2021.

A report on what we've heard, containing a summary of stakeholders’ concerns with the current model and ideas on possible changes, has been drafted and can be viewed here.