AGLC offices holiday closure

While AGLC offices will be closed from December 24, 2024 to January 1, 2025, a number of services remain available. More information on how to contact us over the holidays is available here.

Requirements for retail staff

To work in Alberta’s cannabis industry you must be an AGLC approved Qualified Cannabis Worker (QCW) by completing both of the following:

      1. QCW application and submit to AGLC (further information below) 
      2. SellSafe Cannabis Staff Training

All QCW applications must include a current criminal records check provided by local city police or local RCMP detachment.

Online or third party criminal records checks will not be accepted with the exception of Edmonton Police Service (EPS) or Calgary Police Service (CPS).

NOTE: Processing time for applications is two to four weeks.

Complete AGLC SellSafe Cannabis Staff Training program online

Licensed cannabis store employees require SellSafe certification to understand how to responsibly sell legal, non-medical cannabis.

SellSafe is an online certification program, offered through AGLC's Smart Training Program. You are required to have this certification if you work full-time or part-time in a licensed retail cannabis store as a:

  • premises owner, manager, supervisor, retailer or cashier
  • security staff person (directly employed or contracted by the licensee)
  • direct supervisor or employee of a company contracted to provide security

SellSafe helps staff understand their responsibilities to customers. The program also helps workers understand Alberta’s cannabis laws and AGLC policies. These rules are in place to help protect people working in the cannabis industry, their property, their customers and the public from cannabis-related harms.

You must have SellSafe certification before applying to AGLC to be a Qualified Cannabis Worker.

Apply to be a Qualified Cannabis Worker

After you complete SellSafe Cannabis Staff Training, submit the following to AGLC: 

QCW application

You must meet QCW requirements if you are, or intend to be, a:

  • retail cannabis worker (someone who works in a retail cannabis store, including contracted security and security supervisors)
  • retail cannabis licensee (the cannabis store licensee who manages, supervises or works in the store)

If you are a first-time applicant, include the following documents with your application:

1. identification:

  • if you were born in Canada, provide a copy of your birth certificate, Canadian passport or Indian status card
  • if you were not born in Canada, provide a copy of Certificate of Canadian Citizenship or immigration documents such as a permanent resident card, landed immigrant document or current work/study permit

2. current criminal records check from local city police or local RCMP detachment (dated within three months of issue). Online or third-party criminal records checks will NOT be accepted with the exception of Edmonton Police Service (EPS) or Calgary Police Service (CPS).

AGLC does not cover the cost of criminal records checks. 

Renewal Process

Qualification is valid up to five years. It is the responsibility of the applicant to submit renewal of qualification two months prior to expiry.

To renew your qualifications submit the following:

  • a completed Application for Qualified Cannabis Worker.
  • current criminal records check from local city police or local RCMP detachment (dated within three months of issue). Online or third-party criminal records checks will NOT be accepted with the exception of Edmonton Police Service (EPS) or Calgary Police Service (CPS).

You are not required to re-submit identification when applying for renewal.

You must have valid SellSafe certification to renew your qualification. Applicants can recertify their SellSafe certification before the 60-day notification.

We will contact you to confirm your date has been adjusted so that you can proceed to recertify.

Expiry date of Qualified Cannabis Workers on a Work/Study Permit will match the expiry date of the applicant's current Work/Study Permit. Applicants are required to submit a new Work/Study Permit at time of renewal and may be required to complete the full renewal process. Contact the Registrations Unit at 1-800-272-8876, prior to expiry, if you have any questions regarding the renewal process.

Return the completed package to: 

AGLC Gaming Registrations
50 Corriveau Avenue
St. Albert AB, Canada T8N 3T5