If you would like to import and market a manufacturer's or supplier's liquor products you'll need to become a registered liquor agency.
You can find information by referring to the registration requirements below.
To register
For more information, visit Online Licensing.
After registration
- AGLC will provide a form you can use to access the Liquor Agency Portal so you can register new products and manage your own pricing.
- Product may be purchased at wholesale prices based on AGLC policies and guidelines. Product may only be used to provide samples to licensees.
- AGLC will provide information regarding charges and costs for warehousing product. Connect Logistics Services Inc. (CLS) operates a warehouse responsible for managing product on behalf of AGLC. Liquor is distributed from the warehouse to retailers throughout the province.
- Agents are required to provide quarterly forecasted inbound volumes (cases shipped to the CLS warehouse) and outbound volumes (sales in Alberta and transfers to other provinces) when AGLC requests them to do so. These forecasts allow CLS to plan warehouse capacity and personnel requirements.