Mixed Drinks

Liquor Bulletin 

March 17, 2021

This bulletin is to advise Class A liquor licensees of amendments to the Licensee Handbook (LH) and Manufacturer Handbook (MH) regarding mixed drinks.

Effective immediately, the following amendments have been to Sections 5.3 of the LH and 7.3 of the MH:

  • Unsold batches of pre‐mixed drinks no longer have to be disposed of at the end of the day;
  • The package or container used to store a batch of pre‐mixed drinks no longer has to be labelled to identify the person who prepared the batch; and
  • Licensees no longer need to predict what may reasonably be sold in one day.

The LH and MH may be accessed on AGLC’s website at aglc.ca

Please familiarize yourself with the amended policies and ensure all affected staff are notified of the amendments.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact AGLC’s Compliance Branch at inspections.mailbox@aglc.ca.


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