News Release

5,000 reasons to celebrate Dry9’s big birthday

Five years and 5,000 supportive Albertans later, Alberta Gaming, Liquor & Cannabis’ (AGLC) Dry9 program continues to jumpstart the conversation about the risks of drinking alcohol while pregnant or trying to conceive. 

“Since the Dry9 program was launched in 2017, AGLC has been proud to see the program grow to more than 5,000 Albertans signing up – in support of making smart, responsible choices to not drink alcohol at any stage of pregnancy. We look forward to continuing to inform and engage Albertans with programs like Dry9, to encourage a culture of responsible and moderate alcohol consumption.” 
Kandice Machado, CEO


To mark the fifth anniversary of Dry9, a new winter campaign is running from November 29 – December 22 which will feature home video submissions of babies from across Alberta and on various social media platforms. The goal is to continue generating awareness that there is no known safe amount on consuming alcohol while pregnant or planning for pregnancy.

The Dry9 campaign is part of AGLC’s continued efforts to encourage a culture of responsible and moderate alcohol consumption as part of our DrinkSense brand. 

For more information or to sign up or support a Dry9, visit

Related information
Dry9 Baby Video 1
Dry9 Baby Video 2

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