Below are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about the SMART Programs. If the answer to your question isn't here, please check the AGLC Program Training Requirements page. If you don't find what you're looking for or if you need more help, please contact us.

FAQs about the Deal Us In Phase One or Phase Two program materials

How much does the Deal Us In program cost?

There is no charge to take the Deal Us In Phase One or Phase Two program.

Can I print the Deal Us In program from your website?

No, program content belongs to AGLC and is protected by copyright. Our logo and name are trademarked. Material may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, without the written consent of AGLC.

I want to use some of the information in the Deal Us In program where I work, on our company website, or as part of a project. Do I need AGLC's permission before I use it?

Yes, you do. Deal Us In program content belongs to AGLC and is protected by copyright. Our logo and name are trademarked. Material may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, without the written consent of AGLC.

How long on average does it take to complete this course?

On average, Phase I takes 5 hours to complete and Phase II takes 4 hours 45 minutes to complete.

FAQs about the Deal Us In Phase Two online program

I want to get my Deal Us In Phase Two certification. How do I register?

Your SMART Programs account must show valid Deal Us In Phase One certification that does not expire within the next 30 days. Workers with expiring Deal Us In Phase One certification must renew it before registering for Phase Two.

Sign in and register for Deal Us In Phase One. Successfully complete it, and then register for Deal Us In Phase Two.

The website won't let me register into Deal Us In Phase Two. What's wrong?

Your SMART Programs account must show valid Deal Us In Phase One certification that does not expire within the next 30 days. Workers with expiring Deal Us In Phase One certification must renew it before registering for Phase Two.

Sign in and register for Deal Us In Phase One. Successfully complete it, and then register for Deal Us In Phase Two.

I have my Deal Us In Phase One certificate, but it's under a different account. Now I can't register for Deal Us In Phase Two. Can you help me?

Contact us to have your SMART certificates moved to one online account. Include your legal name, date of birth and Registered Gaming Worker number with your request, and the 16-digit SMART Registration Number for the account you're going to use.

After your certificates have been moved, sign in and register for Deal Us In Phase Two.

My Deal Us In Phase One certificate doesn't expire for another three weeks, but the website won't let me register for Phase Two. Can you fix this?

Your SMART Programs account must show valid Deal Us In Phase One certification that does not expire within the next 30 days. Workers with expiring Deal Us In Phase One certification must renew it before registering for Phase Two.

Sign in and register for Deal Us In Phase One. Successfully complete it, and then register for Deal Us In Phase Two.

I work in the Monitor Room. Do I need a Deal Us In Phase Two certificate?

AGLC policy does not require Monitor Room personnel to be Deal Us In Phase Two-certified.

Monitor Room personnel who have some Self-Exclusion program-related responsibilities are encouraged to complete Deal Us In Phase Two.

Licensee staff who occasionally work in another capacity must have all of the SMART Programs' certificates required for that position. See the Training Requirements page for more information.

FAQs about starting your Deal Us In Phase One or Phase Two online program

What are the minimum system requirements?

System Requirements

The AGLC Learning Management System (LMS) supports the following browsers:

  • Google Chrome

  • Microsoft Edge 

  • Mozilla Firefox 

  • Safari by Apple

  • Adobe Acrobat Reader, free download

Google, Apple and Mozilla release continuous updates to their Chrome, Safari and Firefox browsers. We make every effort to fully test and support the latest versions as they’re released.  

If your browser version is no longer supported by the vendor, it may not be supported by AGLC’s LMS platform.

Sound card, speakers and a stable, high-speed internet connection are recommended.

Note: Restrictions placed on corporate systems, applications or mobile devices may restrict learners' access to program or exam content, or limit some functions on the SMART Programs' websites. Contact your IT professional for assistance or use a computer or device without these restrictions.

Browsers not listed above may not display content correctly.

How do I start my online program?

Sign in to your online account.

From the Home page, scroll down to My Learning Assignments. In this section you will find all the courses you have purchased or assigned to your account that need to be completed. Select Start Course or Continue Course as required.

How many days do I have to get certified before the program is dropped from my account?

You must successfully complete your program within 30 days of the date and time of registration. Check the Online Training page of your SMART Programs account to see when your program access ends.

Incomplete programs will be dropped from your account. Previously completed work will not be saved.

Do I have to finish the program in one sitting?

No, you may enter and exit the program, sign in and out of your account, etc. as often as you like within 30 days from the date and time of registration. Your program access ends after the 30th day.

The online exam is timed. The clock cannot be stopped once the exam begins. If you accidentally close the test window, you can reopen it if the time limit has not expired. Completing the test in a single sitting is recommended.

FAQs about your Deal Us In Phase One or Phase Two online exam

How long is the test? Is there a time limit?

The exam has 20 questions. You have 45 minutes to complete it.

Once I start the test, can I exit and come back to it later?

If you accidentally close the test window, you can reopen it if the time limit has not expired.

Does the test need to be supervised?

No. The Deal Us In programs are designed so learners can get certified without the assistance of a third party.

The tests are closed book exams. Use of resources or supporting materials is not permitted.

How do I know if I passed my test?

After submitting your exam attempt, a message will appear on the screen, stating that you passed or did not pass the test.

If you passed, you can get proof of certification right away.

A score of 80% (at least 16 correct answers out of 20 questions) or higher is required to pass.

If I fail the exam, can I try it again?

Yes, you can! Each registration includes 5 exam attempts. Before retaking the test, look over your last attempt(s) to see which sections need more review.

SMART Programs cannot provide feedback on specific test questions.

FAQs about your Deal Us In Phase One or Phase Two certification

What is proof of certification?

Licensee staff must provide proof of certification at the request of an AGLC Inspector.

Proof of certification includes:

  • paper printed certificate
  • clear images of the above (i.e., photograph or screen shot) saved to the staff member's mobile device.

Proof of certification is saved to your SMART Programs account for 5 years from the date of issue.

Can I get proof of my certification after I pass the test?

Yes! Proof of certification is saved to your SMART Programs account for 5 years from the date of issue. Licensee staff must provide proof of Deal Us In certification at the request of an AGLC Inspector.

How do I show that I'm certified?

Proof of certification is saved to your SMART Programs account for 5 years from the date of issue. Licensee staff must provide proof of Deal Us In certification at the request of an AGLC Inspector.

My certification card has been lost/stolen. Can I get a replacement?

SMART Programs no longer issues plastic certification cards.

Proof of certification is saved to your SMART Programs account for 5 years from the date of issue. Licensee staff must provide proof of Deal Us In certification at the request of an AGLC Inspector.

FAQs about recertification

Does my certification expire? How do I renew it?

Workers must renew expiring certification before the expiration date on their certificate(s) if they are still working in a position where the certification is required.

Upon renewal, proof of certification is saved to your SMART Programs account for 5 years from the date of issue. Licensee staff must provide proof of certification at the request of an AGLC Inspector.

If I have a Deal Us In Phase Two certificate, do I also have to renew my certificate for Deal Us In Phase One?

If you work in a position where certificates for Deal Us In Phase One and Phase Two are required, you must maintain certification for both programs.

See the SMART Programs training requirements page to learn what certificates are required for the work you do.

How will I know when to renew my certificate?

An email will be sent to the address on your SMART Programs account, reminding you that your certificate will expire within 60 days. Contact us to recertify earlier.