
Below are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about the SMART Programs. If the answer to your question isn't here, check the AGLC Program Training Requirements pages or contact us.

FAQs about the ProServe program or program materials

How much does the ProServe program cost?

The online program fee is $26.25, which includes GST. Voucher purchases are also $26.25/ticket. There is no discount for bulk purchases.

How can I pay for my program?

Pay online with Visa or MasterCard (credit or debit), or American Express.

Can I print the ProServe program from your website?

No. ProServe program content belongs to AGLC and is protected by copyright. Our logo and name are trademarked. Material may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, without the written consent of AGLC.

I want to use some of the information in the ProServe program where I work, on our company website, or as part of a project. Do I need AGLC's permission before I use it?

Yes, you do. ProServe program content belongs to AGLC and is protected by copyright. Our logo and name are trademarked. Material may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, without the written consent of AGLC.

How long on average does it take to complete this course?

On average, this course takes approximately 7 hours 30 minutes to complete.

FAQs about the online exam

How long is the test? Is there a time limit?

The exam has 35 questions. You have 45 minutes to take the exam. A total of 5 exam attempts are given to you with each online program registration.

Once I start the test, can I exit and come back to it later?

If you accidentally close the test window, you will be able to reopen it if the time limit has not expired.

The test is not an open book exam. Once the exam timer has started, you cannot go back into the program to look for answers to the questions. Read the test questions carefully to be sure you understand what each one asks. Then read each of the possible answers. Choose the best answer.

If you have extra time at the end, review each of your answers. Click on the Submit Exam button at the end when you are satisfied with the answers you've chosen to submit your test for marking.

Does the test need to be supervised?

The ProServe online program is designed so that users can get their certification without the assistance of a third party. The test is a closed book exam. Use of resources or supporting materials is not permitted. Completion of the test does not require a supervisor.

How do I know if I passed my test?

After submitting your exam attempt, a message will appear on the screen, stating that you have passed or that you did not pass the test.

A score of 80% or higher (at least 28 correct answers out of 35 questions) is required to pass.

If I fail the exam, can I try it again?

Yes, you can! You have five attempts to pass the final exam. You may take the test again, but we strongly encourage you to review the program before making another attempt.

Please note, some test attempts will result in a Fail score if the Internet connection was suddenly interrupted or dropped. Contact SMART Programs to have any lost test attempts restored to your program.

FAQs about your certification

What is proof of certification?

Licensee staff must provide proof of certification at the request of an AGLC Inspector.

Proof of certification includes:

  • paper printed certification card
  • clear images of the above (i.e., image, photograph or screen shot) saved to the staff member's mobile device/phone

Can I get proof of my certification after I pass the test?

Yes, you can! Proof of your certification is saved to your SMART Programs account for 5 years from the date you were certified. Licensee staff must provide proof of certification at the request of an AGLC Inspector.

FAQs about recognizing certification acquired in another province

I have certification from another provincial training program. Can I use it to work in Alberta?

If your responsible liquor service certificate was issued by another Canadian jurisdiction within the last 5 years, you can apply to have it recognized in Alberta.

Certificates issued by other training programs are not accepted by AGLC Inspectors.

Equivalency will not be granted for responsible liquor service certification that was issued more than 5 years ago, and certification issued outside of Canada will not be recognized. Equivalency is not granted for any other SMART Program at this time.

To find out if your ProServe certificate is recognized in another province, contact that province's program administrators.

Note: Legislation and policies are different in every province. Licensees are responsible for ensuring that their workers understand and follow all Alberta laws and policies that affect the work they do.

FAQs about recertification

Does my certification expire? How do I renew it?

Yes, all SMART Programs' certifications are valid for 5 years from the date of issue.

Workers must renew expiring certification before the expiration date on their certificate(s).

Upon renewal, proof of your certification is saved to your SMART Programs account for 5 years from the date you were certified. Licensee staff must provide proof of certification at the request of an AGLC Inspector.

How will I know when to renew my certification?

An email will be sent to the address on your SMART Programs account, reminding you that your certification is due to expire within 60 days. Contact us if you want to recertify earlier.